Contracts Officer

Contracts Officer

About the position

  • Oversee the day-to-day management of the TRC kerbside general waste and recycling collection contract including management of contractor performance against the general requirements of the contract
  • Review data and reports provided by the kerbside collection contractor to assess compliance with the performance standards in the contract and take action where required to improve contractor performance
  • Review and analyse waste and recycling collection data provided by the kerbside collection contractor to identify opportunities for improvement in service delivery
  • Review and approve management plans as required by the kerbside general waste and recycling collection contract
  • Liaise with residential and commercial kerbside collection customers and respond to customer requests in the TRC Customer Request Management (CRM) system in with the kerbside collection contractor
  • Actively manage a range of other Water & Waste existing and future contracts to ensure value for money delivery of services and continuous improvements including the waste and wastewater compliance sampling contracts, plant and equipment dry hire contract, transfer station gatehouse operations contracts, waste and recycling transport contracts, and other
    contracts as required
  • Responsible for the development of documentation for renewal of contracts and for new contracts including requests for quotations/tenders, quote/tender analysis and preparation of evaluation reports and Council reports where relevant
  • Participate in the development of budgets and financial management in relation to contracts the role is responsible for including preparation of purchase orders, assessment and approval of invoices, management of variation requests
  • Provide timely and accurate advice to customers, ensuring a quality customer experience in accordance with TRC’s Customer Experience Standards
  • Liaise and maintain effective working relationships with internal and external stakeholders including regulatory agency representatives, residents and visitors to the TRC area

Who we are looking for

Our Tolga-based team is looking for a organised & knowledgeable individual to join our Water & Waste department as a full-time Contracts Officer on a maximum term basis until 14 November 2025.

How to apply

1. Visit the Tablelands Regional Council 'Careers' page. 2. Complete the ‘Personal Detail’ & 'Question' sections. 3. Attach your resume and cover letter.

Applications Close: January 16, 2025

Relevant links and additional information

Regional University Study Hub located on the Atherton Tablelands

Tablelands Regional Council